Teacher's Name
Teacher's Name
Student's Name
Student's Surname
Student's Company Name
Student's Company Name
1 - How do you spell your name ?
How do you spell your name ?

2 - What is your company’s address ?
What is your company’s address ?

3 - What is your job ?
What is your job ?

4 - Describe a typical working day
Describe a typical working day

5 - What are you working on at the moment ?
What are you working on at the moment?

6 - What do you like doing in your free time ?
What do you like doing in your free time ?

7 - What did you do last weekend ?
What did you do last weekend ?

8 - What are your plans for this evening ?
What are your plans for this evening ?

Next step
On the basis of your experience and on the levels you currently teach, how would you describe this student’s level? Please chose one of the following descriptors:


  • Schermata 2014-03-30 alle 20.42.46 copia 2
  • Schermata 2014-03-30 alle 20.42.46 copia 3
  • Schermata 2014-03-30 alle 20.42.46 copia 4
  • Schermata 2014-03-30 alle 20.42.46 copia 5
  • Schermata 2014-03-30 alle 20.42.46 copia
  • Schermata 2014-03-30 alle 20.42.46